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Empowering you to save lives and uplift communities

Verification and EQA programs are essential for identifying errors, their causes and taking corrective actions for future testing.  SmartSpot’s programs ensure participants, and the patients they serve, can have the highest possible level of confidence in their results.

Spots distributed globally

Global SmartSpot EQA Program 


Our popular programs

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SmartSpot Quality provides the largest commercially available Molecular Mycobacterium Tuberculosis EQA program globally with instruments enrolled across 38 countries.

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SmartSpot Quality provides the first non-infectious liquid Human Immuno-deficiency Virus EQA and Verification Control Program that is stable at ambient temperature.

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SmartSpot has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and provide a set of non-infectious and ambient temperature stable Quality Controls for molecular diagnostic SARS-CoV-2 assays.

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SmartSpot Quality is an ISO/IEC 17043:2010 accredited Proficiency Testing Scheme Provider

Newly Accredited Programs

Non-Infectious Shelf Stable Controls for

Flu A, Flu B, RSV A & RSV B







Award-winning diagnostic solutions

The SmartSpot patented technology enables the packaging of inactivated specimens on a simple spot on a card, which is easily and safely tested like a patient’s clinical specimen.
External Quality Assessment provides on-going quality monitoring of diagnostics, from pre- to post-analytical processing. SmartSpot Quality’s EQA Programs run three times per year per instrument.
Assay Validation is designed to test Precision and Accuracy of a new assays.
Internal Controls
Monthly Quality Control (QC) provides performance monitoring of test kits and personnel, four times per month.
Instrument verification involves testing standardized material on a diagnostic instrument to ensure that it is ‘fit-for-purpose’ before clinical specimens can be tested. Verification is recommended upon installation, post-calibration and post-relocation.
How it works
Why Us?

Why our programs are industry leading

Controls are stable at ambient temperatures
for up to
36 months
reducing shipping costs by 67% and mitigating the risk of damage to the controls.
In-depth support to laboratories via video conferencing, providing technical guidance and  general operational advice.
Online Quality Assessment Tool provided for submitting EQA and Verification results and reviewing performance.
Real-time or 21 days turnaround for Participant Reports.

Group management reports 
analytics and insights

About SmartSpot

Since the onset of wide-scale molecular Xpert MTB/RIF testing for TB in 2010, SmartSpot has been developing controls to meet the quality needs of TB molecular laboratories across the globe. In 15 years, SmartSpot has developed a global footprint in 45+ countries providing Ministries of Health, Clinical Trial Units and private laboratories with quality control solutions.


SmartSpot is the largest commercial supplier of ISO/IEC 17043:2010 accredited molecular TB controls and provides an accredited companion diagnostic for qualifying the accuracy of molecular diagnostic tests including TB, HIV, SARS-CoV-2, Flu, RSV, HPV, HBV, HCV, CT/NG, & MRSA. SmartSpot also provides accredited programs for rapid tests including TB Lam and Syphilis. SmartSpot's EQA for Visitect CD4 is currently being piloted and is soon to be accredited.

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Check out our global footprint

Chemistry Class

Get in touch to find out more about SmartSmartQ products, programs and advisory solutions.

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Sunnyside Office Park, Parktown, Johannesburg

Created by Design by Daniela

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